Subscription Info

SAVE 15% On Your Next Replacement Filter

When you sign up for the Filter Autoship Subscription Program you can save 15% on your replacement filter. This is a flexible program that allows you to control when your next filter is shipped (6, 9, 12 or 18 months). You can change the address of shipment, frequency, payment method, or even easily cancel out of the program. You even receive notice 10 days before the filter is shipped. No surprises, just great savings.

Go to our Replacement Filters section on our website and choose your filter to get started or when you order a unit you can select to setup a future autoship for the filter.

Note: Subscription products payment methods accepted are VI, MC, AM, or Discover credit cards.

Manage Subscriptions

To manage subscriptions, please log into your online customer account:

Click on the ‘My Subscriptions” tab to see your subscriptions.

Click on Manage Subscription and under Actions you can do the following:

  • Skip Next Shipment
  • Send Now
  • Change Date
  • Change Frequency
  • Change Shipping Address
  • Change Billing (Payment Info)*
  • Cancel Subscription

*Note: To update credit card information:

To update your credit card, you will need to go to the Payment Methods tab. Enter the new card number and set as your Default Payment Method. Please make sure to delete any old card on file.

Subscribe for Filter AutoShip with Unit Purchase

When you purchase a drinking water system, you can signup to have the filter for the drinking water system autoship in 6, 9, 12, or 18 months from the date of your unit purchase. You will not be charged for the filter until it gets shipped out in the frequency you selected. This will ensure you get a replacement filter for your unit shipped to you automatically.

Note: Order needs to be placed in customers email account along with the credit card that will be used for the future autoship of the filter.

Subscription Rebills

10 days prior to sending out subscription order, a subscription email reminder will be sent out. If any changes/updates need to be made, please log into your online customer account and Click on the ‘My Subscriptions” before we process the subscription rebill order. An email will be sent out if subscription rebill was processed successfully or declined.

Declined emails will let you know the reason for the rebill decline. Please make sure to log into your account to modify/cancel the existing subscription.

Updating Credit Card

If you need to update your credit card (including updating expiration date), click on "Billing" or on the "Payment Methods" tab. Enter the new card number and expiration date and set as your Default Payment Method. Please make sure to delete any old card on file.

Reactivate your subscription (if needed), you can then use the "Send Now" option to send your next upcoming order after you have updated your card. It can take up to 1 hour for the order to process. Please do not create a new subscription order, otherwise you will have duplicate subscriptions on your account.

Under the "Subscription Tab" you will see current and inactive subscriptions

Note for Rebill Attempts:

  • Two attempts will be tried to process a rebill subscription (two days apart)
  • Every time a subscription order is placed, the next recurring order is automatically generated to the customer's selected frequency regardless
  • If a rebill declines, the subscription will automatically be cancelled. If you need to update your credit card and reactivate your subscription, please see section above. Please don't create a new subscription
  • Declined emails will let you know the reason for the rebill decline
  • A decline order will not be generated due to the rebill not being able to be processed and will not show on customer account so it's important to review the decline emails that are sent out

Note: emails will be coming from:, please make sure to whitelist this email to ensure you get the emails